Cloth Nappy Library in the media

For Press or media related queries please email us on the address below. Please note we cannot answer any queries in relation to loans on this email address!

Cloth Nappies in the Irish Media


We’ve been on the radio a few times now. Most recently Orla Matthews was chatting on both Drive time and Sean Moncrieff on Newstalk, promoting the benefits of cloth!

Just a year after we launched, we were a feature on Derek Mooney’s show in March 2013 and Brenda even came to visit Grace and see the nappies in Portlaois. There was a nappy change live on Radio -a first I can only imagine!

We featured on the Saol ÓDheas with Helen Ni Shé in April 2014. Tá gaeilge ag cuid againn agus táimíd an-shásta ár ngnó a dhéamah as gaeilge nó labhairt ar an radio fiú!

In October 2015 our Co. Clare volunteers spoke about the local Library that will be launched in 2016 and funded by a Grant from Clare County Council.

Print Media

There have been many articles written about modern cloth nappies here in Ireland but this one by Ciara O’Brien in the Irish Times: Tue, Apr 19, 2016, demystifies a lot of the myths surrounding cloth!

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Local libraries do a monthly nappuccino where you can see various cloth nappies, ask questions and borrow a kit to try at home.

The best way to find out whether cloth nappies will suit your baby and your lifestyle is to try them out. Our postal loans cater for newborns, right up to toddlerhood and beyond!

Why use cloth nappies? Beginner’s Guide! Why so many different types? How do they work? Laundry! Jargon! Where do I buy nappies?
Library donation!

We are being rolled out across the country

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