Our Cloth Nappy Loan Kit Sponsors for 2023
The Cloth Nappy Library would like to thank our fabulous loan kit sponsors for 2023. Learn more about these small Irish eco businesses below
The Cloth Nappy Library would like to thank our fabulous loan kit sponsors for 2023. Learn more about these small Irish eco businesses below
We are very grateful to Kildare County Council for coming onboard as our main Sponsor Earth Baby Fair 2023 and 2024. Kildare Co Co have also provides funding for the upgrading of loan kits and for marketing CNLI.
Two Part Cloth Nappy Systems A two part system consists of an inner absorbent nappy that is not waterproof (it may be fitted nappy, a flat nappy or a pre-fold) and this is paired with a water proof outer layer that may be referred to as a cover, a wrap or a shell. This design …
All-in-One Nappies
What is a pocket nappy? A pocket nappy comes in two parts: an outer part that has a pocket in it and some absorbent “inserts” to go in the pocket. These are considered a “one part system”. Easy to change: The pockets can be “stuffed” well in advance of a nappy change so nappies can be stored …
All in One Cloth Nappy Systems Advantages A nappy change is pretty similar to changing a disposable nappy since any boosters are already in or part of the nappy. Most caregivers can cope easily with these nappies and changing is fast for babies who like to wiggle or don’t like to be changed. Although these nappies are …
Cloth Nappy Types There are two main types of nappy systems each with a variety of designs and then particular brands have additional features. There are a lot of terms to keep up with and it’s far from simple. We aim to help you to compare different nappy designs and features so you can make …
Cloth Nappy Storage This picture shows enough cloth nappies for full time use, birth to potty on the left on the little table. On the right it shows the nappies that would fill your bin and end up in a landfill over that time.We thought about doing a similar display somewhere very public for …
Sean Moncrieff chats about Cloth Nappies on Newstalk
Ciara O’Brien demystifies the use of Cloth Nappies in the Irish Times